Featured in this beautiful book
New York Times
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Dirty sience
When Helly Scholten was offered the opportunity to spend three years living in a home inside of a greenhouse on Rotterdam's docklands, she immediately volunteered her family. Scholten, her partner and two teen daughters moved into the experimental home and immediately began planting the four greenhouses surrounding and atop the home in an attempt to grow enough food to feed their family.
Dutch tv does not allow it that you share their content. copie a link below. To watch the tv items. .Al 3 tv items are in Dutch, Binnenstebuiten NPO2 op 3 okt 2017. Huizenjacht SBS6 op 4 december 2017. Baksteen in de maag 9 april 2017.
Belgium Tv> Baksteen in de maag. 9- april- 2017